Our Rescue Work
We select dogs onto our Rescue-Rehabilitate-Rehome programme following a behaviour and health assessment to determine their potential to be re-homed. Some dogs are previously owned within the UK, whilst others are street dogs in Zakynthos, Greece and have been selected by Jo Cottrell.
Our rescue story-
from strays to forever homes
Jo Cottrell, first visited the Greek island of Zakynthos in 2013 where she got to observe and understand the issues with stray dogs.
The Problems
During the summer the stray dogs are in fairly good health because they are fed by the local restaurants and tourists, but during the winter the dogs are totally reliant on caring local people to feed and water them.
The main issue on the island is the number of stray dogs that are not sterilised and are therefore reproducing. With female dogs giving birth to an average of 6 puppies, sometimes twice a year, it doesn’t take long for the population to increase! Mothers and litters of puppies are often discarded, being dumped or even drowned due to the costs involved in caring for them. Adult dogs are often poisoned or shot to reduce their number before tourist season begins.
The Solutions
The solution is a combination of capturing stray dogs, sterilising them and then either releasing them again or placing them with the local rescues for adoption across Europe.

How We Help
The Dog Trouble Foundation provides support through fundraising to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome stray dogs that are not strong enough to live on the streets.
Jo selects the dogs that most people would not want to adopt due to their age, behaviour or physical health and brings them to Dog Trouble for rehabilitation. This involves improving their physical and emotional health which can sometimes take months before they are suitable for adoption.
All the dogs that we offer for adoption will have had a full vet health check including a blood screen for Tick born diseases that can be present in dogs from abroad.
You can read our current dogs' stories on the Adopt a Dog and Sponsor a Dog pages, and our Happy Endings page has details of the many dogs we have rescued.
If you find a stray dog whilst on holiday in Zakynthos that needs medical attention you can contact the local vet , or if you wish to adopt, you can contact Zante Strays or Healing Paws
Donate to our
Rescue-Rehabilitate-Rehome Programme
Please Help our Rescue-Rehabilitate-Rehome Programme
Your donation goes towards our programme costs to provide dogs with the chance of a happier, healthier life and ultimately an opportunity to have a family of their own!
Donations go towards providing flea, tick, and worm treatment, sterilisation, vet health checks and a natural healthy diet.
We really appreciate whatever amount you can give - no gift is too small to make a difference. You can also Sponsor a dog if you would like to support one of our long term Foundation dogs.