Gamers have the option of adding a star Deep Threat receiver to their list of players with Calvin Johnson (2021 Hall of Fame Inductee). Megatron includes 99 for Spectacular Catch and the 98-year-old's jump, 97 Deep Route Run, and 97 Speed. Megatron's 96-year-old Catching and 95 Catch In Traffic skills are a great addition to any team in MUT.
Ed Reed's card now includes 99s for Zone Coverage, Play Recognition, and features for Acceleration as well as Speed. For Seymour, gamers can include a right-hand end which boasts 99 Tackling 99 Block Shed, 98 Strength, and 98 Power moves.
Seymour Johnson, the latest LTD card to be released, is available as random packs and will remain so until April 19, at 10 a.m. Eastern Time. Gamers can purchase Reed and Johnson by creating an exchange set. They will need four of their 89 and four their 1993 UL cards, as well as one 97 UL card. Johnson and Reed can also participate in Ultimate Legends Challenges which allows them to earn coins as well as Power-Up cards. The three cards of the players are also on the Madden 21 Auction House for different cost points.
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